
The Administration of the Immigration and Citizenship Program

Our services include migration program planning.
On May 14, 2024, the Australian Government announced 185,000 places for the 2024-25 permanent Migration Program.  While expanding the local pipeline of highly talented individuals, the Permanent Migration Program will cover skills shortages in important sectors and prioritize visa processing for regional Australia.

The 2024–25 Migration Program acknowledges all migrants’ contributions to social cohesion. It strengthens Australian family and community relationships.

A tailored, skills-focused Migration Program supplements working-age participants. It increases participation and employment.

The 2024–25 permanent migration program includes:

1. This stream (132,200 spots, 71% of the program) aims to boost productivity and meet skill shortages in regional Australia.
2. Family stream (52,500 seats, 28% of the program) – Partner visas allow Australians to reconcile with abroad family members and give avenues to citizenship.

3. In 2024-25, 40,500 partner visas are expected for planning purposes, driven by demand.
Plan for 3,000 child visas in 2024–25, this is a demand-driven category.
4. Special Eligibility stream (300 seats) – Permanent residents returning to Australia after a stay abroad can apply for this visa stream.

Planning levels for 2024–25 permanent migration

The 2024–25 permanent Migration Program is planned for 185,000 people, allocated 70:30 between Skill and Family streams.

Employer-sponsored visa

The Government plans 44,000 Employer Sponsored visas for the 2024–25 permanent Migration Program, an increase from 36,825 in 2023–24.

This planning level builds on the Government’s November 2023 enhanced permanent residence pathway. Through the Temporary Residence Transition Stream, more temporary migrants will obtain permanent residence faster.

Visa category by state/territory

In the 2024–25 Migration Program, the Government has expanded the State/Territory Nominated and Regional categories to 33,000 visas.

These categories, which include state and territory government visas, take up 36% of the planning level and 50% of the Skill stream.

Increasing State and Territory Nominated and Regional planning will help jurisdictions attract talented migrants to satisfy their economic and labor force needs. Regional category planning increases will support important Migration Strategy commitments to regional Australia, including priority visa processing.

Skilled Independent visa

The 2024–25 Migration Program includes 16,900 Skilled Independent visas. This is reduced from the 2023–24 program allocation of 30,375 places but still far above COVID-19-era planning levels of 7,500 and 6,500 places in 2020–21 and 2021–22.

Business Innovation and Investment Program visa

BIIP planned has been cut from 1,900 visas in 2023–24 to 1,000 for the 2024–25 permanent Migration Program. The Government declared in the Migration Strategy that it will not allocate further BIIP funds while considering a new talent and innovation visa. This National Innovation visa will be available in late 2024.

From July 2024, the BIIP will stop permanently and no longer accept Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) (subclass 188) visa applications. Australian economic outcomes are low due to the BIIP, according to the Migration Review. Other studies, such as those by the Treasury, the Productivity Commission, and the Grattan Institute, have also shown this to be true.

Subclass 188 BIIP visa applications will be processed according to Government priorities and Migration Program planning levels. BIIP policy guidance will be tightened to ensure that all business migrants to Australia through this program have a successful business career and will help the economy.

Those with a subclass 188 visa who complete the requirements for the Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) (subclass 888) visa can remain on the current pathway after July 2024.

Reducing BIIP planning will ensure the 2024–25 permanent Migration Program targets highly skilled immigrants who will strengthen the economy.

Visa for global talent 

The Government reduced the Global Talent Visa Program planned to 4,000 visas for the 2024–25 Migration Program.

This planning level supports the Government’s talent and innovation reforms and covers the Global Talent visa program’s final year before transitioning to the National Innovation visa. With the new visa, the government will make it possible for the most skilled and exceptional immigrants to get permanent visas. This includes successful business owners, big investors, and global researchers. Global Talent visas will include 2024-25 National Innovation visas.

Home Affairs will assist applicants, including Global Talent visa holders, during the transition to the new National Innovation visa. The move will not affect Global Talent visa applicants. Visa applicants are evaluated for eligibility at the time of application.

Family stream 

Government maintains family stream size. An essential component of Australia’s migration system is family migration. It helps Australians and permanent residents reconcile with family and strengthen social cohesiveness. The Australian Government recognizes immigrant parents’ social contributions to their families and communities.

The family stream’s largest category is partner visas. The Partner program switched to a demand-driven model in 2022–2023 that includes:

  • Recognizing the social, economic, and demographic benefits of family reunification, the Partner visa program allows for flexibility to meet demand and shorten processing times for applicants.
    The Parent visa program has 8,500 places, while the Other Family (including Aged Dependent Relative, Remaining Relative, and Carer programs) has 500. 
  • Australians can sponsor their dependent, adopted, or orphaned kid under the kid visa program. The Child program is demand-driven and limited to 3,000 places for planning. The Australian Government prioritizes child reunification with Australian parents or sponsors. By doing this, we can be certain that we fulfill our international commitments to put children’s interests first.

Consultation for the Permanent Migration Program in 2024–25

The Migration Program’s scale and composition are established annually in conjunction with the Australian Government’s budgetary process.

To inform the 2024–25 Migration Program’s planning levels and policy settings, consultation was conducted with state and territory governments, academia,  industry, unions community organizations.

The Australian Government takes the following into account when developing the Migration Program:

  • Submissions made by the general public
  • Economic and labor force estimates
  • International research Demand for permanent visa programs
  • Net migration abroad 
  • Economic and fiscal modeling.

As part of the planning process for future Migration Programs, the Department invites public submissions. Submissions necessary to inform the 2024–25 Migration Program have been closed.

Visa nomination allocations by state and territory

Migration Program nomination allocations are offered to states and territories for the following visa categories:

Nominated skilled (subclass 190)
Regional Provisional Skilled Work (491).
Each state and territory evaluate candidates using local criteria.

The Permanent Migration Program and net overseas migration

Permanent Migration Program is only part of net overseas migration. A temporary migration, such as that of Working Holiday Makers and Students, is included in NOM. Australians, New Zealanders, and humanitarian migrants are included.

The Permanent Migration Program has shrunk since 2022–23, although it is not responsible for NOM volatility. Nearly 60% of permanent Migration Program visas are granted to migrants living in established households onshore. This lessens the immediate effects of the permanent migration program on housing, utilities, and infrastructure.

Migration planning for several years

Moving from a 12-month cycle to a multi-year planning paradigm in 2025–26, the Migration Program will plan for four years.

Extending Australia’s Migration Program will help migration planning align with with long-term infrastructure, housing, and services planning across all levels of government. Housing supply will be one of the primary factors that will influence the complete course of long-term migration planning in the multi-year approach.

Later this year, public input on the first four-year cycle (2025–26–2028–29) will get started.

Australian professionals

Exploring the Advantages of the Australian Professional Year Program

As the employment market becomes more competitive, gaining practical skills and experience is essential for success. The Professional Year Program is a special chance for overseas graduates wishing to start their careers in Australia to minimize the distance between academic knowledge and professional employment. Designed to improve employability and provide insightful analysis of the Australian workforce, this program has a lot of benefits that would greatly increase the possibilities for a graduate.

  1. Industry-Relevant Skills Development:

The Australian Professional Year Program focuses on acquiring industry-specific skills in demand in the local employment market. Participants in IT, engineering, accounting, or other disciplines go through training fit for their industry standards and expectations. This guarantees that graduates possess the practical skills and knowledge required to succeed in their chosen field.

2. Workplace Experience:

One of the most important benefits of the Professional Year Program is the chance to obtain practical experience by means of internships or job opportunities. Working under seasoned experts, participants have the opportunity to apply their academic knowledge in practical environments. Along with improving their practical abilities, this offers insightful analysis of workplace dynamics, communication, and problem-solving.

3. Professional Networking:

Advancement in a career depends much on networking, hence the Professional Year Program presents many chances for participants to grow their professional network. Graduates can network, and interact with industry professionals, potential employers, and peers through internships, seminars, workshops, and networking events. By means of job prospects, mentoring, and career advice, these ties can provide avenues for participants to strengthen their basis for their future employment.

4. Cultural Integration:

International graduates may face challenges in moving to a new country and work culture. The Professional Year Program offers participants a helping environment so they may easily fit into the Australian workforce. By means of Australian business etiquette, communication styles, and working practices, participants acquire a better awareness of cultural nuances, therefore promoting cross-cultural competency vital for success in the globalized world of today.

5. Migration Pathway:

For many overseas graduates, the Professional Year Program provides a road towards permanent residence in Australia. Completing a Professional Year in a nominated occupation can provide graduates extra points towards their application for an Australian visa. This greatly raises their prospects of becoming permanent residents, hence the Professional Year Program appeals to people wishing to start a long-term career in Australia.

6. Enhanced Employability:

Australian employers value individuals with a strong understanding of local industry standards and practical experience. Students who complete a Professional Year Program show their dedication to professional development and workforce preparation. This increases their employability and provides a competitive advantage when they search for employment in their field of study.

7. Soft Skills Development:

Apart from technical competency, the Professional Year Program emphasizes developing critical soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. Employers really value these abilities, which also are absolutely essential for professional development. Through different activities and interactions, participants have the chance to develop these abilities, thereby arming them as well-rounded professionals ready for success in diverse work environments.


In conclusion, the Australian Professional Year Program aids international graduates starting jobs in Australia. The program gives participants the tools they need to succeed in today’s competitive job market, from professional networking to industry-specific skill development to relevant employment experience. By giving permanent residency and cultural assimilation, the Professional Year Program increases the variety of the Australian workforce, benefiting not only graduates.


What is the Australian Professional Year Program?

The Australian Professional Year Program is a structured professional development program designed to enhance the employability of international graduates in Australia. It consists of industry-specific training, practical work experience, and networking opportunities tailored to the needs of participants.

What are the advantages of completing a Professional Year Program?

A Professional Year Program provides industry-relevant skills, practical job experience, professional networking, cultural integration, better employability, and a pathway to permanent residency in Australia.

What are the requirements to do a professional year in Australia?

For the professional year, applicants must have an Australian degree in accountancy, IT/computer science, or engineering and a 485 Graduate Visa.

How long is the Professional Year Program?

The course usually takes 12 months to complete, which includes both coursework and internship components.

What does the program’s internship component entail?

Participants in the internship component get practical job experience in the field of study. This gives them the opportunity to apply their academic knowledge to use in an everyday setting and learn about Australian workplace culture.


The Australian Government announced changes to the Temporary Graduate visa

The Australian Government announced changes to the Temporary Graduate visa programs in its recent Migration Strategy. These changes should take effect from 1 July 2024 📣📣

The maximum eligible age for 485 Visa for both streams’ applicants will reduce to 35 years of age or under. Hong Kong and British National Overseas passport holders will continue to be eligible provided they are under 50 years of age.

The ‘select degree’ 2 year extension will cease.
Stay periods will change to the following:

🔸Bachelor degree (including honours) – up to 2 years
🔸Masters (coursework and extended) – up to 2 years
🔸Masters (research) and doctoral degree (PhD) – up to 3 years.

Stay periods for Indian nationals, as agreed in the Australian Indian – Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (AI-ECTA), remain as:

🔸Bachelor degree (including honours) – up to 2 years
🔸Bachelor degree (with first class honours in STEM, including ICT) – up to 3 years
🔸Masters (coursework, extended and research) – up to 3 years
🔸Doctoral degrees (PhD) – up to 4 years.

The Second Post-Study Work stream will be renamed the Second Post-Higher Education Work stream. There are no other changes to this stream.

The Replacement stream will cease.